0 avis
Niveau 4 Autonomie

Quelques mots sur moi

I made an old dream come through in 2017, as my son was able to manage is own life properly. Two transats later as a crew, I'm proud of myself although I still have a lot to learn before becoming a good captain. But with your help, I'll make it! Soon I'll learn mecanics and continue to study theory (weather, etc). Last spring as a crew, I accompanied a group to deliver three boats from the Bahamas to Burlington. First I was on a 37 feet. I finish the trip on a 42. Each time alone with the captain. I did well.
Usually, captains prefer to let the women at the wheel and in the kitchen. I can do both as a pro but more. I have to get the rest at the perfect level. I'm based in Quebec and hope to sail with you soon!

  • Voile loisir
  • Convoyage
  • Voyage (+ de 15 jours)
  • Transatlantique aller (Est > Ouest)
  • Transatlantique retour (Ouest > Est)
  • Eaux intérieures (fleuves, lacs, canaux)
  • Navigation côtière
  • Navigation hauturière
  • Transpacifique
  • Printemps
  • Automne
  • Hiver
  • Grande disponibilité pour naviguer
  • Seul(e)

Informations personnelles

  • 62 ans
  • Célibataire
  • 1 enfants

Langues parlées

  • Français (langue maternelle),
  • Anglais (couramment),
  • Espagnol (assez bien),
  • Portugais (un peu)

Activité / métier

Sur Coboaters, je recherche
  • À progresser activement
  • Le plaisir de naviguer
  • À progresser au gré de mes navigations
  • Pourquoi pas, à lier des amitiés
  • Je contribue aux frais de la navigation
  • Caisse de bord
  • Coups de main à l'entretien du bateau